
Sex Spells #1 - A Queer Erotic Fantasy Adventure

Created by Kale Jonason

A priestess of a sex goddess strikes out on a new quest in this steamy 18+ D&D inspired NSFW comic.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys! Colors Complete! Progress!
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 08:55:45 AM

Hello! A few bits of good news.

First, the colors on the book are complete! I've sent the files over to our fantastic letterer Aaron Locust, and he is beginning work on lettering the book this week.

Second, the Backerkit survey was just approved, and I've sent out the Smoke Test, which means 5% of you will get the survey today. As long as there are no issues with the survey, I'll send out the remaining surveys tomorrow.

A few things of note about the survey:

First, we are offering 50 more copies of the Collector's Edition. This is the foil-stamped version of the comic with four pages of extra behind-the-scenes material. It sold out during the Kickstarter campaign, so I thought I'd offer everyone one more chance to get it.

The Collector's Edition, along with every version of the comic except Cover A, will be printed to order. We will print just enough for the copies ordered on the campaign and Backerkit (with maybe a few extras just in case of quality control issues), so this is your last chance to get any of those covers. We won't offer them again on any platform.

Also, we've added copies of a few graphic novels written by Kale Jonason's "SFW" alter ego, including Unicorn: Vampire Hunter Vol. 1, Vampire Detective in Space Vol. 1, and The Knight and the Lion. If you haven't read any of those books and you were curious about them, now is a great time to pick them up!

Thanks again everyone! Once a majority of backers have completed the surveys, we will place a print order. I'll keep everyone updated as we go. Because most of our rewards are print-to-order, I will probably allow a few weeks to make sure all the orders come in, so we don't end up having to do a second print run.

One last note: Allen and Kale are putting the finishing touches on the script for issue #2, and Dorilys is set to begin art production in April! We are cruising ahead. This time we are going to wait until art is either complete or nearly complete to launch the Kickstarter (and of course we will make sure all the rewards are delivered for #1), but we are already gearing up for the next campaign, and we can't wait to show you the crazy directions this story will go in.


Update! Pencils completed + Pre-order campaign soon!
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 11:22:48 AM

Hello! Thank you for your patience while we work on this book. I'm happy to announce pencils are completed, and we will be moving on to inks and colors!

Check out some of the pages:

Thank you all so much for your support.

In anticipation of the book being finished, I'll be creating the Backerkit survey and Pre-Order page soon. There you'll be able to review your order, pay for shipping, and add any extra items you'd like. There will also be an opportunity for people who missed the campaign to order books.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Progress! 2024 - a look forward
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 01:55:16 PM

Hello! Happy New Year. Dropping in to give you an update and let you know what we've been up to.

First, Dorilys is hard at work on the art for this issue. It's looking fantastic, and I'll be sharing some previews on the next update!

The Backerkit survey will be going out in a couple of weeks, and then you'll have the opportunity to select any add-ons you missed (plus a brand-new one). Please let me know if you have any questions.

Looking ahead to 2024

What's coming next for Kale Jonason and Allen Dunford? Lots of awesome stuff, including NSFW and "SFW" comics! We already have plans for 4 more issues of Sex Spells, and we hope to be back on Kickstarter around April or May with issue 2. We won't launch until we have the first issue shipped out to backers, but we are beyond excited for what's coming.

Beyond that, we do have plans for more NSFW series, but we are easing our way into this world, taking it one step at a time.

That said, we have some very exciting "SFW" plain-old boring normal comics you can check out!

The Tiger Who Would Be King #1

Caleb Palmquist (Kale to you) has a brand new series called The Tiger Who Would Be King, which is on Kickstarter now! This is a Disney-inspired fantasy adventure comic presented in landscape format to emphasize the cinematic nature of the story. Check it out by clicking the image below:

Horus in Hell #2

Allen Dunford has the second issue of his hilarious bunny from hell comic book coming to Kickstarter soon! This series is so much fun, you won't wanna miss it. You can sign up to get notified by clicking the image below:

And of course, there are more Bad Bug titles launching all the time! You can stay up to date with those by subscribing to the Bad Bug newsletter below:

I'll be back with more updates very soon.


We did it! + some important information
11 months ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 11:33:25 AM

Hello! The campaign ended last night, and it was an incredible success. With 767 backers, this was the most backed campaign that either Kale or Allen have ever run. Thank you so much. Below we will talk about some important information you need to know, the stretch goal we unlocked, and more.

Important Info: What's Next?

In a couple of months you'll be getting a Backerkit survey via email. I will send an update here when that survey goes out. Shipping will be charged on the Backerkit survey. You will also have the opportunity to select extra add-ons such as variant covers and stickers, and we will have one new add-on exclusive to the Backerkit survey (I will announce this soon). 

In the meantime, if you'd like to stay up-to-date on all things Kale Jonason and/or Bad Bug Comics, please hit the links below to sign up for our respective mailing lists.

For news about Kale Jonason comics, including Sex Spells, here is the mailing list link:

For info on all Bad Bug titles including comics like Death Nell, Vanya, Bobby Jo, and Astrowitch, you can sign up for the substack here:

We are working hard on finishing Sex Spells #1, and we anticipate being able to get you your rewards in early 2024, but we will keep you updated every step of the way. Issue 2 will hit Kickstarter shortly after backers have recieved their rewards for the first issue.

Stretch Goal! 500 Backers

While we didn't quite hit our 16k stretch goal, we did hit our 500 backer stretch goal, which means every physical backer will get a Bad Bug tarot card. Have a look:

Thank you for your support. 500 backers is a huge milestone, and we absolutely smashed it.

Before I sign off, I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to another Bad Bug erotic campaign you may want to check out, if you haven't yet:

This is a super fun pin-up magazine style book with all sorts of sexy monster girls in it. It even has some drawings by Dorilys Giacchetto, the interior artist of Sex Spells. If you're interested, here is the link:

That's it for now. Thank you so much for your support, and please let me know if you have any questions.


One week left! + Vixx the Hunter!
11 months ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 04:53:06 PM

Hello! Dropping in to say that with one week left, we are blown away by the amount of support we've gotten. For a brand new venture on a brand new profile, it has been awesome to get this many backers. 

We are still optimistic that we will hit out first stretch goal at 16k, but regardless of what happens, we are super excited at the response. Thank you so much.

While I've got you here, I wanted to tell you about another project that was just launched by our good friend, Pat Shand. His new campaign is Vixx the Hunter #1-2.

This is a super cool book. I've read the first issue and I absolutely love it. From the Kickstarter page:

"100 years ago, an event called The Glowing devastated 80% of the population, leaving the survivors with an Earth that has been changed.

Water is radioactive, animals have mutated, and the world has been painted with beautiful, dangerous, glowing color.

Most of the remaining society has broken into villages in attempt to rebuild the world they lost.

Will Vixx, a lone hunter, and her companion Kit, a giant four-eyed fox, be able to make it on their own?"

If that sounds as awesome to you as it does to me, check out the campaign here:

That's it for today. Thanks again!
